African Stock Exchanges

ZSUG - Zambia Sugar

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ZSUG share price on Lusaka Securities ExchangeZSUG share price on Lusaka Securities Exchange

Zambia Sugar is listed on the Lusaka Securities Exchange (LuSE). Zambia Sugar is traded on the LuSE under the ticker symbol “ZSUG”. The International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) of LuSE:ZSUG is ZM0000000052. Zambia Sugar is currently the fourth most valuable stock on the LuSE with a market capitalization of ZMW 9.5 billion, which makes about 6.47% of the Lusaka Securities Exchange equity market.

ZSUG30.00 ▪ 0.00
1 day ago
Last Trading Results
Opening Price
Day’s Low Price
Day’s High Price
Traded Volume742
Number of Deals6
Gross Turnover22,260.00
Growth & Valuation
Earnings Per Share
Price/Earning Ratio
Dividend Per Share
Dividend Yield
Shares Outstanding317M
Market Capitalization9.5B
Monetary values are quoted in Zambian Kwacha (ZMW) unless otherwise stated

ZSUG Stock Market Performance


The current share price of Zambia Sugar (ZSUG) is ZMW 30.00. ZSUG closed its last trading day (Friday, September 6, 2024) at 30.00 ZMW per share on the Lusaka Securities Exchange (LuSE). Zambia Sugar began the year with a share price of 35.00 ZMW but has since lost 14.3% off that price valuation, ranking it 22nd on the LuSE in terms of year-to-date performance.

Zambia Sugar is the 13th most traded stock on the Lusaka Securities Exchange over the past three months (Jun 7 - Sep 6, 2024). ZSUG has traded a total volume of 62,118 shares valued at ZMW 2.1 million over the period, with an average of 986 traded shares per session. A volume high of 19,406 was achieved on July 12th for the same period. The table below details the last 10 trading days of activity of Zambia Sugar on the Lusaka Securities Exchange.


Profile of Zambia Sugar PlC

Zambia Sugar PlC operates in the Consumer Goods sector.

Factsheet of Zambia Sugar PlC

Consumer Goods

ZSUG Industrial Market Competitors

Zambia Sugar PlC, issuers of the ZSUG stock on the Lusaka Securities Exchange, have five market competitors who are also engaged in the Consumer Goods sector. The table below presents an overview of their market standing.

CodeNameM. Cap.CloseYTD
BATAZambia Bata Shoe457M6.00+100%
BATZBritish American Tobacco637M3.00+53.9%
ZABRZambian Breweries3.82B7.00
NATBNational Breweries258M4.09-0.24%
ZMBFZambeef Products536M2.16-14.6%

Index of African Stock Exchanges:

  1. Botswana Stock Exchange
  2. BRVM Stock Exchange
  3. Ghana Stock Exchange
  4. Johannesburg Stock Exchange
  5. Lusaka Securities Exchange
  6. Malawi Stock Exchange
  7. Nairobi Securities Exchange
  8. Nigerian Stock Exchange
  9. Uganda Securities Exchange
  10. Zimbabwe Stock Exchange


  1. James.James.
    Dec 8, 2021 05:47 GMT

    What is the longest time Zambia Sugar usually take to give the dividends?

  2. Nyirenda MackwellNyirenda Mackwell
    Nov 22, 2021 06:11 GMT

    When is the next sale of Zambia Sugar PLC shares? Which companies are offering shares as at now?

  3. HildahHildah
    Nov 16, 2021 12:12 GMT

    I want to know more

  4. KaziwemutaleKaziwemutale
    May 22, 2020 08:36 GMT

    Is Zambian sugar giving divideds

  5. Brian ShibalataniBrian Shibalatani
    Oct 3, 2018 18:45 GMT

    I have not received my dividend for over 3 years, I have ordinary shares, where do do I need to get clarity. thank you

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