African Stock Exchanges

GRSP - Goldrush Holdings Ltd

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GRSP share price on Johannesburg Stock ExchangeGRSP share price on Johannesburg Stock Exchange

Goldrush Holdings Limited is a closed-end investment company making long-term investments. Its investment objective is to make long-term investments for generating high real returns from capital appreciation, and investment income. The ordinary shares of the company are held by executive directors Piet Viljoen and Jan van Niekerk, and associated entities. Investors are offered the opportunity to subscribe for preference shares in the company, which enables them to participate in the long-term growth prospects of the underlying investments of the company.

Goldrush Holdings Ltd is listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE). Goldrush is traded on the JSE under the ticker symbol “GRSP”. The International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) of JSE:GRSP is ZAE000145041. Goldrush Holdings Ltd is currently the 314th most valuable stock on the JSE with a market capitalization of ZAR 322 million, which is about 0.0017% of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange equity market.

GRSP7.00 ▾ 0.02 (0.28%)
1 hour ago
Last Trading Results
Opening Price
Day’s Low Price7.00
Day’s High Price7.01
Traded Volume65,673
Number of Deals3
Gross Turnover460,954.38
Growth & Valuation
Earnings Per Share
Price/Earning Ratio
Dividend Per Share
Dividend Yield
Shares Outstanding46M
Market Capitalization322M
Monetary values are quoted in South African Rand (ZAR) unless otherwise stated

GRSP Stock Market Performance


The current share price of Goldrush Holdings Ltd (GRSP) is ZAR 7.00. GRSP closed its last trading day (Monday, September 16, 2024) at 7.00 ZAR per share on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), recording a 0.3% drop from its previous closing price of 7.02 ZAR. Goldrush began the year with a share price of 9.00 ZAR but has since lost 22.2% off that price valuation, ranking it 364th on the JSE in terms of year-to-date performance.

Goldrush Holdings is the 306th most traded stock on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange over the past three months (Jun 19 - Sep 16, 2024). GRSP has traded a total volume of 520,970 shares—in 106 deals—valued at ZAR 3.6 million over the period, with an average of 8,269 traded shares per session. A volume high of 87,831 was achieved on August 2nd for the same period. The table below details the last 10 trading days of activity of Goldrush on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.


Profile of RECM & Calibre Ltd.

RECM & Calibre Ltd. operates in the Financials sector, specifically, the Investment Services industry.

Factsheet of RECM & Calibre Ltd.

Investment Services
10th Floor, The Terraces, 34 Bree Street, Cape Town, 8001
021 657-3440

GRSP Industrial Market Competitors

RECM & Calibre Ltd., issuers of the GRSP stock on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, have a number of market competitors who are also engaged in the Financials sector and/or Investment Services industry. The table below presents an overview of the market standing of the top 10 by year-to-date performance.

Index of African Stock Exchanges:

  1. Botswana Stock Exchange
  2. BRVM Stock Exchange
  3. Ghana Stock Exchange
  4. Johannesburg Stock Exchange
  5. Lusaka Securities Exchange
  6. Malawi Stock Exchange
  7. Nairobi Securities Exchange
  8. Nigerian Stock Exchange
  9. Uganda Securities Exchange
  10. Zimbabwe Stock Exchange

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