African Stock Exchanges

SIVC - Air Liquide Côte d’Ivoire

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SIVC share price on BRVM Stock ExchangeSIVC share price on BRVM Stock Exchange

Air Liquide Côte d’Ivoire is listed on the BRVM Stock Exchange (BRVM). Air Liquide is traded on the BRVM under the ticker symbol “SIVC”. Air Liquide Côte d’Ivoire is currently the 44th most valuable stock on the BRVM with a market capitalization of XOF 4.93 billion, which is about 0.052% of the BRVM Stock Exchange equity market.

SIVC565 ▴ 10 (1.8%)
3 hours ago
Last Trading Results
Opening Price565
Day’s Low Price
Day’s High Price
Traded Volume490
Number of Deals
Gross Turnover263,220.00
Growth & Valuation
Earnings Per Share102.59
Price/Earning Ratio5.51
Dividend Per Share0.00
Dividend Yield0%
Shares Outstanding8.73M
Market Capitalization4.93B
Monetary values are quoted in CFA Franc BCEAO (XOF) unless otherwise stated

SIVC Stock Market Performance


The current share price of Air Liquide Côte d’Ivoire (SIVC) is XOF 565. SIVC closed its last trading day (Monday, September 16, 2024) at 565 XOF per share on the BRVM Stock Exchange (BRVM), recording a 1.8% gain over its previous closing price of 555 XOF. Air Liquide began the year with a share price of 830 XOF but has since lost 31.9% off that price valuation, ranking it 43rd on the BRVM in terms of year-to-date performance. Shareholders’ worries are compounded by the fact that SIVC has lost 12% of the stock’s value from August 19th to date.

Air Liquide Côte d’Ivoire is the ninth most traded stock on the BRVM Stock Exchange over the past three months (Jun 18 - Sep 16, 2024). SIVC has traded a total volume of 233,659 shares valued at XOF 121 million over the period, with an average of 3,709 traded shares per session. A volume high of 33,362 was achieved on July 22nd, and a low of 11 on July 2nd, for the same period. The table below details the last 10 trading days of activity of Air Liquide Côte d’Ivoire on the BRVM Stock Exchange.


Profile of Air Liquide Côte d'Ivoire

Air Liquide Côte d'Ivoire operates in the Basic Materials sector, specifically, the Specialty Chemicals industry.

Factsheet of Air Liquide Côte d'Ivoire

Basic Materials
Specialty Chemicals
131 Boulevard de Marseille, 01, 1 753 Abidjan 01, Côte d'Ivoire
+225-21-210-440, +225-21-358-096

Index of African Stock Exchanges:

  1. Botswana Stock Exchange
  2. BRVM Stock Exchange
  3. Ghana Stock Exchange
  4. Johannesburg Stock Exchange
  5. Lusaka Securities Exchange
  6. Malawi Stock Exchange
  7. Nairobi Securities Exchange
  8. Nigerian Stock Exchange
  9. Uganda Securities Exchange
  10. Zimbabwe Stock Exchange


  1. EnkiEnki
    Feb 8, 2020 14:23 GMT

    373.06 xof * 903 actions = 336 873.18 xof

  2. enkienki
    Jan 26, 2019 17:49 GMT

    Small cap...kaaaawaaaaiiii

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